IWF and St. Louis Catholic Sisters host billboard project affirming racial justice
Incarnate Word Foundation is pleased to sponsor billboards across the St. Louis area which host a message from the St. Louis Catholic Sisters. Calling for racial justice and requesting prayer to end hatred and violence, the Congregations affirming this message are:
- Sisters of Mercy
- Sisters of the Most Precious Blood, O’Fallon
- Franciscan Sisters of Mary
- Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
- Sister Adorers of the Blood of Christ
- Ursuline Sisters
- Sisters of the Good Shepherd
- Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
- Congregation of Divine Providence
- Daughters of Charity
- School Sisters of Notre Dame
- Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, Houston
- Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio
“We ask our community to join us in prayer and solidarity to end racism and violence as they continue to plague our country and cities,” said Sr. Helena Monahan, CCVI, Incarnate Word Foundation Senior Project Manager and coordinator of the billboard project.
DDI Media, a local outdoor advertising service, has arranged four “moving” billboards in St. Louis, starting at four locations, and rotating to others. The billboards will be up for 8 weeks. Placement will depend on space availability.
The first locations: I-44 at Bowles (West County)
I-70 East of Kingshighway (North/Central City)
170 South of St. Charles Rock Road (North County/Airport area)
I-44 at Poplar Street Bridge overpass (South City).