New Treasures

A giving, investing, and granting program to serve as a visible witness to the shared commitment of religious Congregations.

He said to them, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.” – Matthew 13:52

New Treasures is…

Congregational assets entrusted to the Incarnate Word Foundation that are managed and grown with our corpus and in line with our ethical, impactful investment policies. Monetary gifts then fund grantmaking, social justice, nonprofit support programs, and impact investments to make a wide, long-lasting impact consistent with Catholic Social Teachings and your core focus areas.

…a means for your Congregational Mission and Charism to continue spreading the love of God, the healing power of Jesus Christ, and the fearlessness of the Holy Spirit.



Religious congregations make a restricted donation(s) to the Incarnate Word Foundation. Gifts can range from $5,000 annually to $50,000 and $500,000 one-time gifts, to even $5M bequests if/when a congregation prepares to come to completion.


Funds are managed with the corpus of the Foundation, tracked as restricted funds. Each year, a portion of the gifted money would be disbursed as grants, impact investments, or program funding in accordance with the guidelines established with the giving congregation.


Parameters are developed in consultation with the congregation, or their representative, and the New Treasures Advisory Board. Grants include nonprofit, project, and/or program funding and are managed by Foundation staff, with optional designee involvement and sunset provisions.

Customized to Your Congregation’s Call

The New Treasures program offers tailor-made opportunities to give, invest, and grant funds. The Incarnate Word Foundation can help guide congregations through the process with trusted, Catholic advisors and ethical investment practices. We are familiar with many sectors and have great relationships with Catholic, other faith-based, civic, and academic leaders and communities. Sample funds include:


Collaborative Fund

A Collaborative Fund is one where smaller grants from more than one congregation, foundation, or financial partner may come together to fund a particular issue and/or a particular region.

You Give

Smaller gifts, made annually

We Invest

Collaborative gifts are pooled together to support a specific focus area and are typically granted within a year

And Grant

Granting program is managed by Foundation staff using the same timeline and processes as our general grant cycle

With Guidance

Congregation representative may collaborate with staff and participate in a collaborative grants committee

For However Long You Choose

Can customize the amount of years to contribute


Charism Fund

A Charism Fund is one where a larger gift(s) from one congregation or foundation may be set up as a sort of donor advised fund in alignment with a single organization’s Mission and Charism.

You Give

Larger gifts, with the option to be made in installments

We Invest

Money is invested and managed with the Foundation corpus as a restricted fund with its own budget and goals

And Grant

Parameters are customized with the congregation and/or their representative and may include grants for nonprofits, projects, or programming

With Guidance

Congregation representative may collaborate with Foundation staff and the New Treasures Advisory Board

For However Long You Choose

May go on in perpetuity or have a sunset clause


Jessica Cook

Ascension Investment Management

Margaret Eigsti

Women Religious Archives Collaborative

Elizabeth Garlow

Francesco Collaborative & Catholic Impact Investing Collaborative

Toni Ponder, JD

Sisters of the Good Shepherd

Martha Quiroga

Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio

We’re Here to Help

Collaborating on major projects or considering what to do with assets if or when a congregation is coming to completion are not easy decisions to make. We’re here to walk this journey with you, on your timeline.