USCCB Writes Pastoral Letter Against Racism

The document Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love – A Pastoral Letter Against Racism was developed by the Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). It was approved by the full body of USCCB at its November 2018 General Meeting and has been authorized for publication.

The letter charges the Bishops and all members of the Church “to develop ways to help facilitate an ongoing national dialogue, bringing successful models and stories of hope to people at all levels.”  It also tasks those in leadership “to seek meaningful opportunities that deepen understanding, foster reconciliation, and publicly witness to the Church’s commitment to ending racism.”

Because The Pastoral Letter affirms the goals of RECON and encourages us to redouble our efforts to work toward reconciliation in the St. Louis area, we offer it to you for prayerful consideration.

Click here to read the letter